Injectable Neurotoxins

Do you think a neurotoxin treatment can benefit you? Neurotoxins have numerous applications, and our highly experience provider can help you create a plan that helps you reach your appearance goals. In addition, we have a spectrum of other treatments that may provide even longer lasting results than neurotoxins. Please schedule a free consultation today. 

What happens during a Neurotoxin injection?

Neurotoxin injections typically take about 10 to 20 minutes (including consultation time). No anesthesia is required, though if you’re particularly sensitive, your provider may apply numbing cream beforehand. If so, expect this to add another 15 to 30 minutes to your treatment time.

Your provider will use a very small needle to inject Neurotoxin into the muscles. You’ll probably feel pinching but not pain during the injections. Your doctor may ask you to smile, frown, raise your eyebrows, crinkle your nose, or make other expressions, to help identify the spots that need addressing.

What can you expect after your Neurotoxin treatment?

There won’t be any downtime after your treatment, but your provider will instruct you about proper aftercare, including—most important—that you don’t rub or massage the injection sites for a few hours after your treatment. This keeps the product from spreading and inadvertently affecting other areas.

You may experience common side effects like minor tenderness, swelling, bruising, or a headache. Your physician may give you a small ice pack to apply gently to the injection sites before you leave the office and advise you to ice the treated areas at home, to reduce discomfort.

It’s also important not to lie down for 90 minutes and to avoid exercise for 24 hours, to reduce the risk of diffusion away from the treatment area.

How long does Neurotoxin take to work?

According to the manufacturers, you could see visible smoothing three to four days post-injection. Sometimes it’ll take closer to a week for your results to appear, and you can expect your results to have reached their maximum effect after 14 days.

How long do Neurotoxin injections last?

Typically, results will last about three to four months, although someone may still see results for up to six months post-injection. If you keep up with your shots, you may be able to go longer between maintenance visits.

What are the risks and potential side effects of Neurotoxin?

Neurotoxin is generally considered a safe procedure. Complications are rare. Seek medical help immediately if you experience any unusual symptoms.

Forehead Lines

Forehead wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. As you get older, your skin undergoes several changes and gradually becomes drier, thinner and begins to lose some of its elasticity. Environmental factors like sun exposure and smoking can also accelerate the visible signs of aging. Used by millions of people around the world, Injectable Neurotoxins, such like Botox®, Xeomin®, or Dysport, are a proven way to help prevent or treat the wrinkles and lines of your forehead, creating a smoother and more youthful look. 

Injection Sites

There are two main injection sites when it comes to treating forehead wrinkles. They are:

Glabellar lines

In 2002, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Neurotoxin for treating moderate to severe glabellar lines, which are the vertical frown lines that appear between your eyebrows.

The glabella is the area of skin between your eyebrows and above your nose. When you frown, you activate the corrugator muscle (a small, pyramid-shaped muscle that pulls your eyebrows downward and inward) and the procerus muscle (a facial muscle that pulls the skin between your eyebrows down). By reducing activity in these muscles, Neurotoxin can smooth out the skin in the glabella region.

Forehead lines

In 2017, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Neurotoxin for use in the treatment of moderate to severe horizontal forehead lines.

These lines are largely the result of activity in the frontalis muscle, a muscle that covers a large part of your forehead. This frontalis is responsible for raising your eyebrows and wrinkling your forehead. Botox is used to treat horizontal forehead lines by reducing activity in the frontalis muscle.

Crows Feet

Crows feet are the lines on the outside of the corner of the eye caused by repetitive eye movements and loss of collagen. Our experienced provider will use a few units of neurotoxin to help smooth out those lines, slow formation, and help you attain a more youthful look.

Jelly Eye Roll

“Jelly eye rolls” are the rolls that appear under the eyes when you’re laughing or smiling. These rolls can cause your eyes to look puffy and exhausted. With a small amount of carefully placed neurotoxin injected under the lash line, we can help you get a smoother, less puffy-looking area under the eye.

Brow Lift

A brow lift is achieved by injecting a carefully selected amount of neurotoxin around the hairline to lift your eyebrows up. The treatment is designed to raise sagging eyebrows and reduce “eyelid hooding.” This will give you a more youthful and “awake” appearance.

Lip Flip

A lip flip is a nonsurgical method of creating a fuller lip. This treatment works great for patients that have a disappearing top lip when they smile. Neurotoxin is injected into the lip to relax the muscle that goes around the mouth, resulting in the upper lip “flipping” slightly upward. Although the procedure makes the lip look more prominent, it does not increase the size of the lip itself. Lip flip is also particularly beneficial for individuals who have smiles that expose much of their gums. Following a lip flip, less gum shows when the individual smiles because the upper lip elevates less.

Bunny Lines

Bunny lines are the nickname for the wrinkles you get when scrunching your nose like a bunny. With a small dose of injectable neurotoxin, those wrinkles will fade and leave behind smooth and beautiful skin.

Chin Wrinkles

Neurotoxin can be used to minimize the appearance of wrinkles in your chin. With a small dose of injectable neurotoxin, those wrinkles will fade and leave behind smooth and beautiful skin.

Gummy Smile

A “gummy” smile means that the gums are too prominent. This can be corrected with treatment using targeted neurotoxin injections around the mouth. This treatment technique is designed to relax the muscles, which allow the lips to more fully cover the gums.

Neck Lift

Neck lift reverses the signs of aging along the lower face and neck. Neurotoxin is injected into the lower face, jaw, and neck in order to smooth lines and wrinkles. A Neck lift is a temporary way to restore a youthful look without surgery.


Do you suffer from excessive sweating? Injectables can help. With treatment, neurotoxins are injected near sweat gland to reduce their activity. This decreases perspiration, but still allows the glands to function.