Dermal/Lip Fillers

At Anchor Medical Spa, we offer a variety of injectable fillers to treat unwanted signs of aging including wrinkles, fine lines, and lost volume, and to make your lips more nature, and nice shape.

Lip Filler

Lip Filler in Anchor Medical

Plump, glamorous lips are at the top of everyone’s wish list. Maybe you weren’t born with the perfect lips, or perhaps the signs of aging have deflated your once-pillowy lips. Fortunately, Dermal fillers can help. Dermal fillers can smooth, define, and enhance elements of your face and body. They provide volume, plus they stimulate the production of collagen. Dermal filler is very popular for lips. Find out how you can get full-appearance, beautiful lips, without invasive surgery.

Why Choose Lip Filler?

Simply put, lip filler looks gorgeous. Dermal fillers for lips use highly advanced formulas based with hyaluronic acid (HA), which boosts your body’s natural collagen and elastin response in your lips. This causes your lips to become full and plump. Best of all, your results look natural. You don’t have to worry about scars or fake-looking implants. And, injections only take a few minutes, and you can return to most of your daily activities.

What Does Lip Filler Feel Like?

Lip filler is virtually pain-free. There is no surgery, no stitches, and no downtime. You may feel a little tenderness at the injection site, but this goes away on its own without further treatment.

When Will I See Lip Filler Results?

You see amazing results with lip filler immediately after treatment. You experience full results in just a couple weeks, after your body has had the chance to draw collagen, elastin, and moisture to your lips. Then, you can experience stunning lips for years before you need to return for another treatment. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Lip Filler?

If you’re unhappy with the thin or unbalanced appearance of your lips, or simply want more volume added and have realistic expectations about treatment outcomes, you’re most likely an excellent candidate for lip filler. The best way to know which kind of lip filler is right for you, is by scheduling a consultation with your specialist. 

Are You Ready For a Pillowy Pout?

Anchor Medical Spa is ready to give you the lips you’ve always wanted or restore your pout to how you remember it in your youth.

Find out everything you need to know about fillers for lips by calling our injection provider at (412) 356- 2280 today!

Cheek Filler

Stop spending money and time on expensive makeup to achieve high, gorgeous looking cheekbones! If you’re tired of wasting time wishing you looked younger when standing in front of the mirror and ready to ditch the face contouring routine, take a look how cheek filler can give you the look you’ve always wanted.

Why Choose Cheek Filler Injections?

For many reasons! Cheek filler is a non-surgical injectable used to plump and fill hollow areas. Most contain hyaluronic acid (HA), which fills your cheeks, lifts your cheekbones, and gives you a beautiful, youthful-looking appearance. HA is naturally produced by your body, and it’s well tolerated by most people. Cosmetic injections take 15 to 30 minutes for treatment to achieve outstanding results!

What Does Cheek Filler Feel Like?

You may feel a little tenderness and see a small amount of redness at the injection sites. However, these side effects are very mild and go away without any further treatment. There is no downtime either, and you can return to work, the gym, or any other daily activities right after treatment.

When Can I See Cheek Filler Injection Results?

You get immediate results with cheek filler! While it may take a couple weeks to experience full results, you get to experience high, glamorous cheekbones for more than one to two years before you need to return for treatment.

Am I a Good Candidate for Cheek Filler?

Almost anyone who is over the age of 18 and unhappy with the volume of their cheeks is an ideal candidate for cheek filler. Make sure you discuss your health history and allergies with your provider to find the best filler for your individual needs.

Dare to Go Bare With Cheek Filler From Anchor!

Are you ready to love the way you look without makeup or not to use multiple products for the perfect contour? Anchor Aesthetics is here to give you sexy, defined cheekbones in only a few minutes. With cheek filler. Injections are fast and easy.

Contact us at (412) 775-3793 today to find out how dermal fillers can help achieve your ideal aesthetic!

Smile Lines / Nasolabial Fold Filler

Nasolabial Fold Filler in Potomac

Nasolabial folds go by a few different names: smile lines, laugh lines, and marionette lines. They are a sign of aging and often upsetting to look at in the mirror. Dermal filler can smooth and rejuvenate the skin around your mouth and nose.

Why Choose Nasolabial Fold Filler?

Everyone has nasolabial folds, but as we age, they get deeper and much more noticeable. Your first line of defense against nasolabial folds is dermal filler injections.

Filler is an amazing way to restore and rejuvenate aging skin, because it’s well tolerated by most people, non-surgical, and results are lasting. Dermal filler looks natural, and your wrinkles are dramatically smoother.

What Does Dermal Filler for Nasolabial Folds Feel Like?

Dermal filler for nasolabial folds is basically pain free. You might feel a little tenderness and see some redness at the injection site, but this is temporary.

When Can I See Filler Injection Results?

The great thing about fillers is that you can see small results immediately! Most dermal fillers are made with hyaluronic acid (HA), which your body produces naturally. As the treated area reacts to the HA, it slowly pulls collagen and moisture resulting in smoother, brighter skin as the filler settles in. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Nasolabial Fold Filler Injections?

Are you over the age of 18 and unhappy with the signs of aging you see creeping in? You’re likely an excellent candidate for dermal filler.

The best way to know how dermal fillers can help you is by visiting a specialist who will review eligibility with you. 

Leave Laugh Lines Behind With Nasolabial Fold Filler!

You don’t have to focus on those deep smile lines anymore. Dermal filler from Anchor can diminish those nasolabial folds like you wouldn’t believe!

Contact us today at (412) 775-3793 to schedule an appointment and finally feel free to smile again without worry of deepening wrinkles.

Jawline Filler

Jawline Filler is a great option for both men and women. Filler in the jawline adds definition and contour to your face. If you want to restore a more youthful look, or improve upon your look, this could be an excellent treatment option for you.

What To Expect During Treatment

During our initial evaluation, our experienced provider will work with you to get a better understanding what you want to accomplish. We’ll give you detailed information about this treatment options and any others that might be recommended and help you determine what’s right for you.

During the Jawline Filler treatment, our experienced provider will make injections at carefully identified locations along your jawline. Fillers are made of compounds like hyaluronic acid, which stimulate the production of collagen, the natural compound that makes skin look fuller and more youthful.

The treatment takes about 30 minutes, after which you’ll rest in our offices for a few minutes, and then you can continue your daily routine. There is minimal discomfort. There may be minimal redness or swelling, but this dissipates quickly. 

Tech Neck

Tech neck is the nickname for those troublesome wrinkles we get across our necks from constantly looking down at our phones. Dermal filler is used in those wrinkles to smooth out the area and restore a more youthful look.

What To Expect During Treatment

We begin your appointment with an evaluation of your neck by our provider, and a discussion of how this treatment can help you toward your appearance goals. Once you decide this treatment is right for you, our experienced provider will select the dermal filler that is formulated to provide the best results and make a series of injections along the lines on your neck. You are also highly encouraged to try the most advanced Morpheus 8 microneedling with radiofrequency treatment to the targeted areas. Then we will obtain your own platelet rich plasma or select the dermal filler that is formulated to provide the best results and make a series of injections along the lines on your neck. Discomfort is minimal. 

After waiting in our offices for a few minutes, you’ll be able to go about your daily routine. You may notice some redness or swelling, but this will dissipate shortly.

What Are The Expected Results Of Tech Neck Treatment?

The dermal filler may provide some improvements almost immediately as it fills in some of the lines, but you’ll see optimum results within two or three weeks, when the filler stimulates the production of your body’s own collagen, which will plump the skin and smooth the lines. 

Filler treatments can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years depending on the brand and how quickly your body metabolizes the product. Dermal fillers provide temporary results and must be repeated periodically. We’ll help you create a treatment schedule to maintain your treatment benefits.

Temple Filler

Filler in the temple targets visible signs of aging, providing instant volume to the area. Dermal fillers used in the temple contain hyaluronic acid (HA) to plump the face. HA stimulates your body to produce collagen which helps to fill areas of hollowing. Typically, two to four treatments are needed.

What To Expect During Treatment

After an evaluation by our expert staff, your professional injector will determine which dermal fillers are best suited for your unique needs. Then the injector will make carefully placed injections around your temples. The treatment takes about 30 minutes. 

Afterward, you’ll wait in our offices for a few minutes, and if you need to schedule another treatment, we’ll make you a new appointment. Then you can go about your daily routine

Hand Filler

Hands may tell more about your age than other parts of your body. Through the use of dermal fillers, our injectors can help reverse wrinkles and crepey skin, restoring volume and creating a younger, smoother look. 

What To Expect During Treatment

We begin by examining your hands and explaining treatment options, typically using dermal fillers. Once you agree that you want to proceed with the treatment, our trained injector will select the dermal filler that offers the best treatment properties for you and make a series of injections to the back of your hands. Discomfort is minimal. 

The dermal filler injections will begin adding volume on their own, but they also stimulate your body’s natural production of collagen, which plumps and smooths the skin and produces a more youthful look. The treatment typically uses two to three syringes of dermal filler. 

After resting briefly in our offices, you can continue about your daily routine. 

What Are The Expected Results Of Hand Filler?

The filler is used to restore volume and you are likely to see some results quickly. As collagen production increases, you’ll see additional volume increases and smoother skin. Full results occur within two to three weeks.

Filler treatments can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years depending on the brand and how quickly your body metabolizes the product. Our team will work with you to create a treatment schedule that lets you maintain your appearance gains.

Body Contour

Body contouring involves using specialized dermal fillers to shape and contour different parts of the body. Contouring can be particularly useful for targeting “trouble” areas that don’t respond to diet and exercise. 

Body contouring can be used for the face, temples, jawline, neck, chest, knees, buttocks, and thigh areas.

What To Expect During Treatment

Because treatments that involve different body sections may require different strategies and planning, we start with a thorough consultation, where we learn about your appearance goals and the areas of your body you want to enhance. We’ll explain different treatment options, and work with you to create a personalized treatment plan.

Once your plan is established, our expert injectors will begin treatments on targeted areas of the body. Injections are carefully placed for maximum effectiveness, delivering an ideal selection of our spectrum of dermal fillers to where they can produce the best results.

There is minimal discomfort. There may be some redness or swelling following your treatment, but this dissipates quickly. Some treatments may take more than one session.

Typically, you can continue your daily routine without any downtime needed for recovery.

Dissolve Filler

Not happy about the filler you got from another provider? We can reverse the results, using a compound called Hylenex to dissolve the filler.

For a consultation, schedule an appointment and we’ll help you see if this is the best option for you.